In the last
post, I talked about having to get treated for Rabies, and how
horrible it was. I mentioned that at some point I would tell the
tale of how that came to happen. Yeah, I didn't get bit by something
that had rabies, well not the typical animal that has rabies. It's a
long story, but I'm just going to make it very short, as short as
A blog about charities, politics, and other events that occur. Feel free to share anything stated on this blog. Who knows where the journey will lead us.
Monday, December 18, 2017
Saturday, December 16, 2017
Rebuttal To the NYT OP-ED Repeal the Second
I am a gun owner, and I am liberal. I
am not going to drop a ton of facts about this or that, but I am
going to discuss my views here about Mr. Stephens' (no relation)
OP-ED in the NYT from October of this year.
Friday, December 15, 2017
Net Neutrality
So, Net
Neutrality is dead, so saith the FCC and Republicans. Somewhere in a
cigar smoke filled room, the people who own internet service
providers are clapping each other on the back, while drinking the
finest of liquors. The internet is now the Wild Wild West, and we
inhabitants of it have been disarmed, have no Marshall at our back to
protect us. Now I have heard several things in regards to this that
have left me scratching my head.
Bad Science, Bad Information, and its constant spread.
From time to time I feel the urge to
rant about specific things I have seen on Facebook, and sometimes it
is warranted, other times it is just an opinion I have that runs
contrary to the norm. You know, I am a gun owner, no I am not trying
to compensate for something that's lacking. I just enjoy shooting, I
enjoy the aesthetics of some rifles and handguns, I love the history
of some of them, the weight they carry is something more than a
physical heaviness. This is one of those times that I feel its
warranted, and its directed at some members of the Green Party, Dr.
Stein, and antivaxxers in general.
Saturday, December 9, 2017
Trickle Down: Or Some rich guy gives you a golden shower, whilst telling you it is raining.
Back in the early 1980's we were all
introduced to a “new” economic policy called Trickle Down
Economics. It has since been referred to as Reaganomics, Trickle
Down, Voodoo Economics, and in some very limited circles... “Oh
great, the wealthy people are getting another round of tax cuts.”
But like so many things, many people don't really understand the full
scope of it. Just as Clinton and Obama grew one aspect of the
economy, they fail to realize that policies that create jobs is only
a portion of the economy.
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
What Happened? The Review
Alright, so finally after a while, my
reserved copy of Hillary Clinton's book came in, and I started
reading it. This doesn't happen often, and might be a result of
blood pressure medication, but I am trying to sort out my thoughts
about what I have read thus far, and I am not having much luck with
it. Maybe the outrage about every little thing that happened in the
primaries is too fresh, maybe the anxiety of how big of a mess we are
actually in is clouding how I feel. Maybe its just that I can't get
over the commentary of the Clinton supports, that continues to this
very day, hasn't come to a head, and its not truly ready to be
excised from my mind. One thing I know for certain, the wounds that
were inflicted in the primaries, and the aftermath of this freak show
aren't healing, and that will take time. Time we simply do not have.
Thursday, October 12, 2017
State of Affairs October 2017
Okay home from the hospital, well I've
been home since Sunday. The better parts of stress and anxiety
finally got the better half of me. My blood pressure was
extraordinarily high, and I am lucky enough to have escaped without
permanent damage, well I think so anyway. So, after Los Vegas,
hurricanes of epic proportions, and what appears to be a country
flying apart at the seems, nothing is getting done, we are more
worried about NFL players taking a knee (oh the humanity), we are
worried about people calling the president a moron, one who should be
impeached, and my god, where to start?
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Tax Reform and You, Circa 2017.
The grand experiment of trickle down
economics continues unabated, so what does this mean for you, more of
the same....
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Poor Behavior
So, as the NFL Player Protest Backlash
continues, Dale Earnhardt Jr speaks contrary to Richard Childress and
Richard Petty, and fans in various places are posting videos of them
burning their team's (driver's) swag, while whining on Facebook about
how they are “no longer fans”. Yeah, I guess I get it, you don't want politics infringing on your sports, forget that 70% of people ignore politics (until the elections and things aren't going right).
Sunday, September 24, 2017
The NFL, Politics and You
So, I am
sitting here, after watching my vaunted Steelers choke in the
overtime period of their game against the Bears, of which I have
several thoughts. First, and most important in my mind is to say a
hearty “Well played, and congratulations on the win.” to the
Bears players (as if they would ever read this), and too their fans,
“Your team showed up to play, and got the job done.” I like to
get that out of the way, because good sportsmanship comes with being
a gracious winner, and while I personally don't like seeing my teams
loose, it comes with being a big enough person to congratulate the
winners, even if we don't like it. Now, I am about to do something I
really don't like doing, the game is over, we fought the good fight
and we lost, but the season is still young, and I observed something
that has really bothered me.
Monday, September 18, 2017
Its the End of the World. Again
So, I missed the notice about the end
of the world again. So, tomorrow is Destruction Day. Seriously
people, you need to give me a months notice about the end of the
world, so I can enact a solid business plan because once all the good
goyim are gone, there's going to be a whole lotta work opened up.
So, in my mind lets list the top ways to go... In terms of how I
want it to play out, or how funny it would be.
Thursday, September 14, 2017
So, movie
review time. I had been doing this on Facebook, and I might well
post a version of this there, because I am a member of an awesome
horror movie group, its not as active as it once was, but when the
place is active it is second to none. So, for your consideration, a
movie called “Contracted”.
Monday, September 11, 2017
Where are they?
I constantly here
that “Progressives” only come out of the woodwork during the
presidential elections. That isn't true, we just don't get the air
time that mainstream politicians get. We spend our non-presidential
years slugging away in the local and state races, swaying the minds
of the voters to see our causes, and to support those same causes.
Then every presidential election cycle we become more vocal at the
national level, because we understand that the president or nominee
of the party is the voice of the party, they lead the party.
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
You know..
There was a time when I would actually
partially agree that some ideas should be given time, to be shown the
light of day. At the time I felt, in some instances that healthy
discussion about concepts were a great idea. Now, now I am not such
a fan of giving some ideals time to see the light of day.
What Happened?
So, Hillary
Clinton is releasing her new book, and I have all the intentions of
writing a long winded commentary of it chapter by chapter over the
course of the next month, while giving my personal views of it, and
as already known about my current view (which will be restated here),
and how it changes after attempting to see her point of view of this
debacle. But in the meantime, since I have yet to read it, you get
suck listening to me talk about a press release made today, and some
other things.
Friday, August 25, 2017
This is becoming normal
To be the bearer of bad news, ladies
and gentlemen, we have some major issues going on, more so than nazis
dancing in the streets, and running people down with cars. And while
many are all about punching nazis in the face, and impeaching Trump,
we have lost focus. We cannot seem to see the forest for the trees,
and it will be our undoing, if it hasn't already undone us already.
Monday, July 31, 2017
Update: Not watching the news, been
very reflective since I last came here and wrote. I am still seeing
heated debates between progressives about “Whose a real
Progressive, and who isn't.” Of which I am not a real progressive
anymore apparently. I am seeing people screaming the world's on
fire, and yes, yes it is. I see the more “moderate” wing of the
Democratic Party pointing fingers at progressives, blaming people who
didn't vote for Clinton for Trump, I see Congress still cannot get
anything passed, even with a GOP controlled House and Senate. I see
constant Tweets from our so-called president, that are insane
(seriously, someone needs to take his internet access away), and I
hear the rumors.
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Horror Movies, no, Movies in General
I'm going to talk about something near
and dear to my heart, and its not politics. I love horror movies, I
love reading the likes of Poe and King, truly these two gentlemen are
masters of horror. I cannot speak about Poe, but I can about King,
as I have heard some of his commentaries on his own work. Everyone
has something that bugs them, something that gets under their skin,
when reading the work of Stephen King, its the stuff that goes bump
in the night, and makes his skin crawl.
Tuesday, July 4, 2017
More of the UBI thing
So, today on my random outing and about
on Facebook, I see another UBI post, this time describing how it is
inflationary and it is the status quo. Lots of activity on it before
I got to say much of anything, but among some of the tidbits were
that a UBI is advocated by right wing groups and neoliberals.
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
UBI The Good, The Bad, and How I See It.
Recently on my sparse viewing of
FaceBook, I saw a man who is an advocate of Modern Monetary Theory,
lamenting people's love of the UBI, or Universal Basic Income; aka:
Guaranteed Basic Income, Mincome, Living Stipend, etc. etc. etc. In
his mind, robotics is something that we should not be concerned about
for the next ten or twenty years or so. Ironically enough, his
constantly advocating for a Federal Job Guarantee, is missing the
mark of what he wants to see happen.
Monday, June 12, 2017
8 Rules of What?
So, I get on Facebook this very morning
and I see this post. Now, under normal circumstances I would edit
out the name, for the protection of one who likely means well and is
grossly misinformed, or simply does not know better. This is not a
normal circumstance, this was posted in a pro-Stein group, and this
gentleman is running for a seat in the US Senate in the Great State
of Massachusetts. Now, I have no real love for Massachusetts, or
Jill Stein but this notion of the “Useful Idiot” is worse than
the whole “Welfare Queen” myth.
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
Right or Privilege
For the OP's protection, as well as the
group he is in, I have edited this screen shot of some of the most
insane things I have ever read. Well, not for his protection, I just
edited it so that he doesn't get “harassed” by “mentally ill
liberals” and grammar nazis. For those of you who don't want to
read this butchering of the English language, he feels that
healthcare, food and shelter are not rights. In it he laments that
the person he was debating kept repeating that those three things are
rights, without presenting a legitimate argument, only that said
person believes, thinks, and is convinced that these things should be
rights. He also concludes that liberalism is a mental illness, but
you don't have a right to get that checked out, its a privilege.
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Impeach Trump, Careful What You Wish For
I have recently been seeing a lot of
people pushing to impeach President Trump. No, I don't like the man,
I find him to be obnoxious, hateful, woefully ignorant, and at best
incompetent. Should he be impeached, well, that depends on what the
Special Prosecutor finds during the course of his investigation.
Will he be impeached, I seriously doubt it, we are stuck with him for
at least four years or until the GOP gets sick of listening to him.
Sunday, May 28, 2017
The Case for a UBI
Over the last decade or so, I have
supported some type of Universal Basic Income. In the early days
before I was introduced to Modern Monetary Theory, I would think
about ways to fund such a program, how the tax code could be worked,
how the increase in spending, and all the other factors that played
into funding this type of program would work.
Friday, May 26, 2017
Assault, Cruel Teachers, and Measles on a Plane
In the run up to the election of Donald
Trump, I kept hearing people say, “Never loose your sense of
outrage.” I never lost it, but I had to bury it down, it was to
the point that I was just angry. Ever little thing I heard would
just add to that anger, and that is not healthy. I made a conscious
choice to step away, let myself have a break, to cool off before I
said something I couldn't take back. I don't regret that choice
then, I don't regret it now, but those old feelings are coming back
Thursday, May 25, 2017
Its been far, far too long since I
wrote anything here, political, religious, or anything really. So,
here is an update, and some rantings from behind my personal bully
pulpit. How am I, not doing so well right now. Looking for stable
work that doesn't involving transcribing audio. The pay stinks, and
I am very concerned about how our spoken language is degrading.
Otherwise, I am looking for a place to move to, as our landlord has
run into major financial problems, and yeah, he lost his backside.
I'm doing great, but really bummed out about Chris Cornell. I wasn't
a fan of much of his work, but he was a voice of a generation, he
give a voice to those who felt utterly hopeless, and his influence
will be felt for years to come. It is true, “No one sings like you
Thursday, March 2, 2017
Fake News in the News again
Eh, great. Feet on the couch is a big
no no? Alright look people. Trump is going to give us years worth
of legitimate fodder to gripe about, to rag on him about, to roast
him over. My God, the man is an instant hit on Twitter. Seriously,
he can't get out of his own way.
Trump Speech Thoughts II
Okay, I think I am still alive, three
cheers for Aleve, caffeine and power naps. Slight problem, I can't
sleep, too wired. I wonder if I could crank this up to a million, if
this is how people who have ADHD feel 90% of the time. So, lets get
back to the Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Trump addition.
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Trump Speech Thoughts
It was just over an hour in length, slightly more than eight pages
typed. President Trump, excuse me, I feel the urge to gag... The
president of Merica, gave a speech to a joint session of Congress
last night, and I didn't watch it. I had no urge to watch it, well
the truth is, as someone who doesn't have cable, I refused to spend
my precious data plan on going utterly insane. Ah, but the internet,
and data plans, I was able to get a transcription of the speech. I
did not watch or read any of the counter speeches, but from what I
heard, the former Governor of Kentucky gave a rather uninspiring
reprisal of the affair, and Sanders gave one as well, which was more
inspiring by the accounts I heard, but again, I did not watch or read
the responses. If you are in my boat, or even if you aren't here is
my take on it, of course, I won't promise its going to be perfect
because, anytime I read something involving Trump, I hear it in my
head a very specific way, a loud mouth cow bloviating about how the
neighbors cows are eating all the prime grass in his field.
Monday, February 27, 2017
And the new Head is...
Its time to
meet the new boss, same as the old boss, more or less. So, Saturday
the DNC elected a new chairperson. Tom Perez, is his name, and his
former gig was Labor Secretary from President Obama. It shows a few
things, so lets get started shall we?
Friday, January 13, 2017
It has to stop
Been quiet
these days. I have had a lot to say, but you know how it is, out
here beating the bush, trying to make it in a world that has gone to
shyte. But I do want to talk about some things, and honestly, I am
at the point where I am losing the ability to even care.
Sunday, January 1, 2017
Okay, once more for the class...
Okay, I need to get back to doing my thing, away from the
internet, as I find myself becoming more and more frustrated by the
day. Why you ask, because I see people nodding in silent affirmation
of news articles regarding the previous election, and how certain
persons are holding the Democratic Party hostage.
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